Since the late l980's, I have provided scientific fish illustrations for more than one thousand books, magazines, posters, signage, fish ID projects, websites, advertisements, aquaria, and commercial products.
Most of my 1,300 illustrations are of freshwater fishes, and I have illustrated (scientifically) virtually every freshwater gamefish in North America, many as male/female pairs. I have also rendered hundreds of non-game species, including many darters, minnows, suckers, and killlifishes -- all from actual specimens. In addition, I have illustrated about 300 species of saltwater fishes, principally from the Pacific Coast and the Gulf of Mexico; notably the beautiful Pacific Rockfishes.
All of my scientific illustrations are standard "left-lateral" view to aid in comparisons and to add consistency to publications. Typically I will sell reproduction rights as a "one-time" use, though usage can often be modified upon request. Files are provided at a resolution of 300 - 600 dpi, at a length of 4" for the smallest minnows to 30" for the largest fishes. Some can be reproduced as large as 8 feet at 72 dpi. Please see the fish list for availability of certain species.
One-time reproduction fees are based on the specific use, the size that the image will be reproduced, how many times it is reproduced, and whether or not it is sold commercially. Please contact me for more information.